• Archival Collection

Female Orphan School records, State Archives NSW

To access these records

Please contact Museums of History New South Wales:

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Reference Number

Quote this number to access your records: State Records Authority of New South Wales Series Numbers, NRS-782; NRS-783; NRS-786; NRS-792; NRS-793; NRS-12266

Records Location


These are records created by the Female Orphan School that are held by Museums of History NSW (State Archives). The records contain information about children living at the School, and include registers of admission, applications for admission and discharge, and the constitution and minutes of meetings of the committee of management. Some of these records also contain information about children at the Male Orphan School and the Protestant Orphan School.

Access Conditions

These records are Open, and can be accessed by any member of the public. For access to these records please contact Museums of History NSW (State Archives).

Information from the admission and applications books has been included in the Child Care and Protection Index (published by State Archives NSW), and is available online.


The following information about these records has been published in the State Archives catalogue:

  • Orphan School Admission Books, 1817-1832. Reference Number: NRS-793.
    These books record information about children admitted to the Female Orphan School. These books include information such as name of child, age on admission, date admitted, date discharged, names of parents and their address and occupation (where known), and other remarks. The books were created in 1832, however contain information about children admitted from 1817. There may be names of children admitted during this earlier period that are omitted from these books.
  • Applications for admission into the Orphan Schools, 1825-1833. Reference Number: NRS-782.
    These papers record information about children who had applications made for their entry into the Male and Female Orphan Schools. They were generally written by the child’s parent/s or guardian, or by a church, committee, or government representative on their behalf. The applications were required to ensure a child met the selection criteria for admission to the Schools.
  • Applications for children out of the Orphan Schools, 1825-1833. Reference Number: NRS-783.
    These papers record information about children who had applications made for their discharge from the Male and Female Orphan Schools. They include letters, memorials, and petitions addressed to the schools by parents or guardians requesting their children were returned to their custody, or by prospective employers seeking apprentices. The applications were required to ensure that children were not removed from the Schools, except in accordance with the school rules.
  • Admission book (Female), 1827-1886. Reference Number: NRS-12266.
    This book records information about girls admitted to the Female Orphan School, and later the Protestant Orphan School. The book includes information such as name of child, age, date of admission, date of discharge, parent’s names, and other remarks. This book was created in 1848, however includes information about girls admitted to the school from 1827.
  • Constitution and Minutes, 1818-1824. Reference Number: NRS-792.
    This book contains the constitution, rules, and regulations of the Female Orphan School, and the quarterly meeting minutes of the committee of management. The minutes may contain information about individual children living at the school.
  • Medical Reports, 1830-1833. Reference Number: NRS-786.
    This register contain the medical officer’s reports following visits to the Female Orphan School. They include information such as the number of children sufffering from particular diseases, the number hospitalised, the number deceased, etc.

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