Father Hudson’s Society was one of the British Children’s Homes which sent child migrants to Australia. It was established in 1902 as the ‘Birmingham Diocesan Rescue Society for the Protection of Homeless and Friendless Catholic Children’ in Coleshill, Birmingham but was soon known as Father Hudson’s Society after its founder, Father George Vincent Hudson. In 1903 Father Hudson became the first secretary of the Catholic Emigration Society and it was through this agency that 133 child migrants were sent to Australia after World War II.
Children who were sent to Australia generally came from three of Father Hudson’s Society Homes: St Paul’s or St Edmund’s Boys’ Homes or St Joan’s Girls’ Home in Birmingham. Father Hudson’s also sent some children who had been placed at Nazareth House, Rednal.
Alternative Names
Birmingham Diocesan Rescue Society for the Protection of Homeless and Friendless Catholic Children