• Archival Collection

Fairbridge Society, Records [United Kingdom]

To access these records

Please contact The King’s Trust:

Postal address: 9 Eldon Street, London EC2M 7LS ENGLAND

Phone: +44 (0)20 7543 1234

Email: PrincesTrustCoSec@kingstrust.org.uk

Website: https://www.kingstrust.org.uk/about-us/research-policies-reports/fairbridge-society

Records Location


The Fairbridge Society in Britain held personal and institutional records that may be of interest to people who were placed in as children at Fairbridge Farm School, Pinjarra, Western Australia, or at Drapers Hall in South Australia. These records are now managed by The Prince’s Trust, a British charitable organisation that merged with Fairbridge in 2011. A finding aid titled ‘Information Sheet 14 [Fairbridge Archive, UK]’ has been developed to describe the items in the collection, which also includes academic books and personal recollections.

Access Conditions

For access to records relating to the Fairbridge Society please contact The King’s Trust (formerly The Prince’s Trust). Access to these records is subject to some restrictions based on the data protection laws of the United Kingdom.


The Fairbridge archive collection in the United Kingdom includes academic books and papers and personal recollections, various records relating to the establishment and administration of the Fairbridge Society and also:

  • Children’s Records, including case files (1912-1982), after-care reports (1912-1970s), progress and enquiry registers and recruitment officers’ correspondence (1971-1982), and indexes (1912-1981)
  • Photographs (1912-1982) and audio-visual material (1953-1982) that was used for publicity and fundraising
  • Records relating specifically to Drapers Hall, South Australia (1936-1981)
  • Records relating specifically to Fairbridge Farm, Pinjarra (1920-1981)
  • Old Fairbridgians publications (1918-1980s), personal recollections (1980s) and Old Fairbridgians Association records (1934-1962)
  • Publications, including annual reports (1910-1999) and general material on the Fairbridge Society (1913-1973) and Kingsley Fairbridge (1912-1983)
  • Emigration information, including policies, procedures and operational matters (1914-1976).
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