• Legislation

Education Act 1915, South Australia


The Education Act (No 1223 of 1915) was titled ‘An Act to consolidate and amend the Law relating to Public Education’. It commenced on 23 December 1915, and was repealed by the Education Act 1972 on 14 December 1972.

Amended by Act No.1268/1916, Act No.1371/1919, Act No.1391/1919 , Act No.1554/1923, Act No.1658/1924, Act No.1673/1925, Act No.1932/1929, Act No.2246/1935, Act No.38/1940, Act No.43/1941, Act No.24/1942, Act No.37/1945, Act No.22/1946, Act No.28/1947, Act No.29/1947, Act No.3/1948, Act No.31/1949, Act No.43/1951, Act No.36/1954, Act No.68/1960, Act No.22/1962, Act No.16/1965, Act No.2/1966, Act No.71/1966, Act No.36/1970

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