• Legislation

Domestic Assistance Service Act 1947, Tasmania


The Domestic Assistance Service Act 1947 established the Domestic Assistance Service. This scheme made domestic assistance available to people who were incapacitated, requiring special care or experiencing hardship. This Act gave the Minister power to establish hostels for the accommodation of people (including children) engaged in domestic work or undergoing training in connection with the Domestic Assistance Service. This act was repealed by the Children, Young Persons and their Families and Youth Justice (Consequential Repeals and Amendments) Act 1998.

Home help, provided under the Domestic Assistance Act 1947, was one of a range of measures used by the Social Welfare Department , and its successors, to support families experiencing problems and so keep the children out of state care. In 2013, the Department of Health and Human Services continues to provide home help.

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