Please contact Museums of History New South Wales:
Postal Address: PO Box 516, Kingswood NSW 2747
Phone: (02) 9673 1788
Quote this number to access your records: State Records Authority of New South Wales Series Number, 13358
These records are held by Museums of History NSW (June 1961 - current).
The Dependent Children Registers relate to children who were admitted to State care between 1883 and 1923. They record where the dependent children were placed (whether with foster parents or guardians). Some of the children were eventually adopted. The registers give: name of child; age; religion; where received; name and known address of parents and remarks; particulars of foster parents and guardians, i.e. names, addresses, dates when received and when transferred, and how placed; and how eventually disposed of and date (this may be by adoption, back to custody of one or both parents, or the child may have attained the age of eighteen).
These records are open access and available online via the Museums of History NSW website.
Quantity: 37 volumes.
The Dependent Children Registers have been indexed and digitised and are available online. There are 28910 entries in the index. The index records a child’s name, date of birth, date admitted to care, names of parents, and foster parents. For each child listed in the index, their Register entry is available digitally.