• Organisation

Department of the North West, State of Western Australia


The Department of the North West was given responsibility in 1920 for Aboriginal people living in the ares of Western Australian above latitude 25 degrees south. The Department administered the policies of Chief Protector of Aborigines which included, who was legal guardian of every Aboriginal child as stipulated in the Aborigines Act 1905. In 1926 these reponsbilities were transferred to the Aborigines Department (1926-1936).

The Department of the North West was responsible for Aboriginal matters, including the custody, care and protection of Aboriginal children living in areas of Western Australia above 25 degrees latitude, from 1 January 1920. The State Records Office website provides an overview of the Department:

This department had control of Aboriginal affairs for the area above latitude 25 degrees South in Western Australia. The Department of Fisheries had control of Aboriginal affairs for the area below latitude 25 degrees South in Western Australia. Auber Octavius Neville was appointed Chief Protector of Aborigines on 7 May 1915. He became Secretary for the Department of the North West on 1 November 1920, combining this position with that of Chief Protector (North of the 25th parallel). When the Aborigines Department was re-established in 1926, Neville became once again, on 30 June 1926, the Chief Protector of Aborigines for the whole State.

On 1 January 1926, the responsibility for matters relating to Aboriginal people was transferred to the second ‘version’ of the Aborigines Department (1926-1936). The Department of the North West ceased at that time.

  • From

    1 January 1920

  • To

    1 January 1926

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