• Archival Item

Department of Aboriginal Affairs - Regional Office - Alice Springs - Monthly and Annual Reports - FWOs

To access these records

Please contact General Enquiries, National Archives of Australia:

Postal Address: PO Box 4924, Kingston, ACT 2604

Phone: (02) 6212 3600

Email: archives@naa.gov.au

Website: https://www.naa.gov.au/help-your-research/ask-us-about-collection

Reference Number

Quote this number to access your records: National Archives of Australia Reference Number, E739, O75/1

Records Location


This file mainly contains tables of statistics related to the work of the FWOs – Female Welfare Officers – working for the Welfare Branch in Alice Springs. The file covers the years 1960 and 1961 only.

Access Conditions

‘Open with exception’.

This record has been digitised and is ‘Open with exception’ which means that some parts of the file are open and other parts are not. The website of the National Archives provides more information about access to records.


This file includes one list of children in the Receiving Home in Alice Springs in 1960. This list provides the name and date of birth of the child, dates of admission and discharge, whether a ‘State Child’ or a ‘Ward’, the reason for admission and whether the Child Endowment was being received. The discharge and reason for admittance columns sometimes include information about a child’s placement in an institution or foster care.

The file also contains a typed report from the Welfare Officer for 1960-61 which includes information about the Receiving Home in Alice Springs and placements of children in the Northern Territory and interstate.

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