• Archival Series

Correspondence And Documents Relating To Committals [Industrial Schools Branch]

To access these records

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Reference Number

Quote this number to access your records: State Records Authority of New South Wales Series Number, 3903

Records Location


Correspondence And Documents Relating To Committals [Industrial Schools Branch] were extracted from the ‘Sobraon’ Entrance book, 1897-1900, in which they had been inserted. The relevant page numbers are noted in pencil on each letter and document. They are a bundle of documents that includes: letters from parents about their sons who were on the Training Ship; letters to and from police regarding boys who had absconded; letters to and from employers about boys apprenticed to them; leave of absence forms authorizing boys to be absent from the ship; apprenticeship indentures; court depositions; and warrants.

Access Conditions

These records are open, and available for public access. To access these records please contact Museums of History NSW (State Archives).

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