Please contact the General Manager Services, Uniting Communities:
Postal Address: GPO Box 2534, Adelaide SA 5001
Phone: (08) 8202 5111
Quote this number to access your records: Uniting Communities Reference Number, PR9 Box 3
These records are part of Records of Kate Cocks Memorial Babies Home, Uniting Communities (1930s - 1970s).
Minutes of meetings include monthly reports from the Superintendent. Reports provide numbers of admissions and discharges and details of individual cases. Christian names (pseudonyms) given from 1956. Quantity: 1 notebook. The Methodist Church homes were run by the Adelaide Central Methodist Mission, now known as Uniting Communities. Records are held at the Uniting Communities.
All personal information held by Uniting Communities is accessible upon request and is only limited in special circumstances. Proof of identity is required. Information affecting the privacy of others will be deleted from copies of documents made accessible. Contact Uniting Communities for further information.