Please contact the The Brother Provincial Hospitaller, Order of St. John of God:
Postal address: PO Box BN1055 Burwood North NSW 2134
Phone: (02) 9747 1699
These records are held by The Hospitaller Brothers of St. John of God (1947 - current).
These Client Files (1949-present) contain general information about the children who have been enrolled at St John of God Kendall Grange. Information about the child includes: name; date of birth; admission and discharge dates; reason for admission; medical history; information about the child’s family and information about any previous placements. The files are arranged in alphabetical order by child’s surname. Quantity: Over 1400 files
For access to these records please contact the Brothers of St John of God. Access to information in these records is available to former residents of Kendall Grange or family members. Proof of identity must be provided to establish legitimacy of the request for information.