Please contact the Chief Executive Officer at BaptistCare:
Postal Address: PO Box 7626, Baulkham Hills NSW 2153
Phone: (02) 9023 2500 or 1300 275 227
These records are held by BaptistCare (2014 - current).
These Client Files include the following information: referral sheets; initial client assessment forms; admission forms; medical history (including medication given and medical consultations); client daily information files; school information; living skills information; client case notes; family case notes; other reports pertaining to the family and the client; and Alternate Care Committee data collection forms. These records are held by Baptist Community Services, also known as BaptistCare.
For access to these records please contact BaptistCare. Former clients are entitled to access their own files and personal information. All other requests for information will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
Information about these records has been taken from a 1998 publication, Connecting Kin. As at March 2015, the Find & Connect web resource has not received confirmation about the whereabouts of these records. It is possible that records relating to ‘statutory clients’ have been transferred to the Government Records Repository, part of the State Records Authority of New South Wales.