Please contact Public Record Office Victoria:
Postal Address: PO Box 2100, North Melbourne VIC 3051
Phone: (03) 9348 5600
Quote this number to access your records: Public Record Office Victoria series number: VPRS 18840
These records are held by Public Record Office Victoria (1973 - current).
Children’s Registry, Bendigo Industrial School (1868-1885) is a record created by the Sandhurst Industrial School which was within the grounds of the Bendigo Benevolent Asylum. It contains information about children admitted to the Industrial School, including their names, ID number, date of admission to the school, sex, date of birth, religion, term of commitment (length of admission), transfer or discharge date, and other remarks.
Access Conditions
This record is open and accessible by the public. For access to this record please contact the Public Records Office of Victoria. The original record is located at Bendigo Regional Archives Centre.