• Archival Series

Children's files, Fairbridge Farm School

To access these records

Please contact the Care Leaver Records Access Unit, Community Services:

Postal Address: Care Leaver Records Access Unit, Community Services, Department of Communities and Justice, Locked Bag 5000, Parramatta NSW 2150

Phone: 1300 137 160 or (02) 9716 2500

Email: CareLeaverRecordsAccessUnit@facs.nsw.gov.au

Website: https://dcj.nsw.gov.au/children-and-families/out-of-home-care/about-out-of-home-care/accessing-your-care-records.html


The following information is contained on the files: name of child; child’s date of birth, and in some cases a Certificate of Birth; religion; education and scholastic ability; character; illnesses; name of mother (if known); name of father (if known); and where child came from. Following the child’s arrival at the Fairbridge Farm School, the information kept on the file would include: school records; an index to letters to and from the child; and medical and dental records. In some cases there is information about employment placements.

Quantity: 900 files (approx.)

Access Conditions

Access to these records is restricted. For access to these records please contact the Care Leaver Records Access Unit.

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