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Children in State Care Commission of Inquiry, South Australia


The Children in State Care Commission of Inquiry began in November 2004 under the terms of The Commission of Inquiry (Children in State Care) Act 2004. It produced its final report in March 2008. The terms of reference of the Inquiry were to investigate allegations of sexual abuse of children in State care and allegations of criminal conduct resulting in the death of children in State care.

The Honourable EP Mullighan QC began his role as Commissioner role in December 2004. During the Inquiry 792 people sat with Commissioner Mullighan and told of incidents of child sexual abuse. These hearings identified 1592 allegations dating from the 1930s to the early 2000s. The Inquiry also received the names of 924 children alleged to have died while in State care.

The Inquiry investigated each of these allegations and produced a 564 page report which found that ‘in the past 65 years the State has failed to protect some of the children in its care from sexual abuse’. The report included 54 recommendations aimed at implementing strategies to prevent abuse, protect vulnerable children, support disclosure and respond effectively.

The term, person in care (abbreviated as PIC), was developed as part of the Children in State Care Commission of Inquiry in South Australia 2004-2008 as a way of referring to people anonymously in its report.

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