• Organisation

Central Mission Home for Neglected Children


The Central Mission Home for Neglected Children, also known as Waverley House and the Home for Waifs and Strays, opened in Woolloomooloo Street, Woolloomooloo in October 1893. It was moved to Croydon in 1900 and was renamed Dalmar.

The Central Mission Home was supported by the Ladies’ Committee of the Sydney Central Methodist Mission and was situated in a house given for that purpose by businessman and philanthropist Ebenezer Vickery.

The aim of the Central Mission Home was stated in the Annual Report of 1895/96:

the rescuing, body and soul, of those little street Arabs who are commonly known as nobody’s children’ and was later expressed in terms of ‘rescuing the little waifs and strays from scenes of poverty, cruelty and neglect.

Many of the children were not orphans but were admitted due to a variety of circumstances. Some eventually were returned to their families, while others where ‘adopted’ out.

By 1898 the Home in Woolloomooloo had become too small and in the following year the House Committee located a suitable property in Dalmar Street, Croydon. Waverley House was sold to raise funds for the new venture. In January 1900, the children moved into the new premises, and not long afterwards, the name ‘Dalmar’ was chosen.

The Wesleyan Mission 200 year anniversary web page describes the establishment of Waverley House:

The home was created in response to the growing prevalence of child poverty, neglect and abuse, combined with widespread baby farming practices which were a cause for concern for church and community groups.

  • From


  • To


  • Alternative Names

    Waverley House

    Home for Waifs and Strays


  • 1893 - 1898

    Central Mission Home for Neglected Children was situated at 104 Woolloomooloo Street, Woolloomooloo, New South Wales (Building Still standing)


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