Please contact the Care Leaver Records Access Unit, Community Services:
Postal Address: Care Leaver Records Access Unit, Community Services, Department of Communities and Justice, Locked Bag 5000, Parramatta NSW 2150
Phone: 1300 137 160 or (02) 9716 2500
Quote this number to access your records: State Records Authority of New South Wales Series Number, 14639
These records are held by Museums of History NSW (June 1961 - current).
Central Juvenile Court Index is a card index that was compiled from statistical report forms on juveniles who appeared before the Children’s Court and were born between July 1957 and May 1960 and between July 1964 and June 1965. It provides information on the person and their court appearance(s).
These records are held by the Museums of History NSW. Access to these records is restricted. People wishing to access restricted records should contact the Care Leaver Records Access Unit.
The following information is provided on the Central Juvenile Court Index: the name of the juvenile; their address; birth date; prior and final court appearance; date of court appearance; charge or complaint; and results.
According to Connecting Kin (1998), there are 48 boxes containing the Central Juvenile Court Index.