• Organisation

Cawley House


Cawley House was one of the group Homes in the grounds of the government-run Walcott Centre in Mt Lawley. In 1984, Cawley House was replaced by the Bedford Park Hostel.

Cawley House was a government-run group Home, created when the Walcott Centre was divided into two separate Homes, Andrew House and Cawley House.

Cawley House was staffed by a senior group worker, and four groupworkers, one on each shift. The purpose of group Homes at this time was to offer ‘behaviour management and social skills’ programs. Some of the children or young people at Cawley House may also have attended the Walcott School, on the campus.

In January 1984, the Cawley House program moved to the Beford Park Hostel, in Bedford.

  • From


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  • 1983 - 1984

    Cawley House was a government-run group Home located on the Walcott Centre campus, on the corner of Lord and Walcott Streets, Mount Lawley, Western Australia (Building Still standing)


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