CatholicCare Adoption Services was created in 2011, replacing Centacare Adoption Services. It was part of CatholicCare Sydney. CatholicCare Adoption Services dealt with Catholic adoptions, both current and past. It was a central repository for all files relating to Catholic adoptions in New South Wales. It also ran the Catholic Children’s Homes Enquiry Service. In 2018, CatholicCare Adoption Services became part of the new organisation, Family Spirit.
In 2011, Centacare changed its name. Centacare Catholic Community Services Sydney became CatholicCare Social Services and Centacare Adoption Services became CatholicCare Adoption Services.
In 2018, CatholicCare Adoption Services merged with the adoption arm of Marist180, to create a new organisation called Family Spirit.
Alternative Names
Catholic Children's Home Services
Origins Services