• Organisation

Catholic Migrant Centre


The Catholic Migrant Centre was established in 1984 by the Archdiocese of Perth to deliver a range of immigration-related programs from a small office in Victoria Square in Perth. In 1992, Sr Tania de Jong was appointed to help former child migrants access records about their childhood and trace family in Britain and Malta, using records inherited from the Catholic Episcopal Migration and Welfare Association (CEMWA). In January 2002, Sr Flo O’Sullivan was appointed to the role, and the program was extended to include referrals to general welfare support services, advocacy, outreach and computer education for former child migrants. This program was funded by the Christian Brothers with contributions from the Sisters of Mercy and the Poor Sisters of Nazareth in Western Australia. In 2004 the Catholic Migrant Centre became part of Centrecare. The Former Child Migrants program continued until 18 December 2008.

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  • Alternative Names

    Former Child Migrants Program

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