• Archival Collection

Bringing Them Home Oral History Project [sound recording]

To access these records

Please contact a Librarian at Reader Services, National Library of Australia:

Postal address: National Library of Australia, Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: (02) 6262 1266

Website: https://www.library.gov.au/services/contact-us

Reference Number

Quote this number to access your records: National Library of Australia Bib ID, 833081

Records Location


The Bringing Them Home Oral History project is a collection of interviews with members of the Stolen Generations – Aboriginal people affected by child removal policies. The project arose from the Commonwealth Government response to the recommendations of Bringing them Home, the report of the National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from their Families. The aim of the project was to record the diverse experiences of people directly affected by Indigenous child separation and to shed light on the policy and legislative frameworks that supported the separations. The project also included interviews with people involved in the process such as welfare officers, police officers, missionaries and institutional staff. The interviews were recorded between 1998 and 2002. Follow-up interviews with some of the original Bringing Them Home interviewees were conducted in 2010 after the national apology was issued in 2008. The interviews relate to many missions and institutions across Australia.

Access Conditions

Some interviews from the Bringing Them Home Oral History Project are available to listen to online in cases where interviewees have given their permission for this to happen. Other recordings and transcripts of interviews are available to access in the National Library’s Petherick Reading Room. Unrestricted recordings and transcripts can also be accessed through inter-library loan through another state or local library. A number of interviews are subject to restricted access, or may require interviewee permission. For further information, please contact the National Library.


The Bringing Them Home Oral History project collection comprises 736 digital audio recordings. Many of these have been transcribed or summarized.

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