• Organisation

Boys' Reformatory, Magill


The Boys Reformatory, Magill was established in 1869 in the northern wing of the Magill Industrial School. Run by the Destitute Board, it accommodated boys who had been charged with an offence or were considered to have behavioural problems. In 1880 the boys were moved to a ship in Largs Bay, The Reformatory Hulk, Fitzjames.

With the introduction of the 1866-67 Destitute Persons Relief Act, the majority of children were moved out of the Destitute Asylum into institutions specifically for children. Once the Magill Industrial School opened in 1869 a section of the building was set aside as a reformatory for Boys who had been charged with an offence or were considered to have behavioural problems. The Boys Reformatory, Magill was run by the Destitute Board. In 1880 the boys were moved from Magill to a decommissioned three-masted ship, the Reformatory Hulk, Fitzjames, moored in shallow water at Largs Bay.

The Hulk was to operate for 11 years before the boys returned to Magill.

  • From


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  • 1869 - 1880

    Boys' Reformatory, Magill was situated at the Magill Industrial School site, Glen Stuart Road, Magill, South Australia (Building Demolished)



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