The Boys Home, Indooroopilly was run by the Salvation Army. Before 1946, it was known as the Boys Home, Washpool. Previously, the institution had been an Industrial School. In 1968, the name was changed to Cooinda Salvation Army Home for Boys.
In 1952 the Boys’ Home, Indooroopilly, had 61 residents, of whom 39 were wards of the state and 20 boys sent from private homes. In 1955 there were 50 residents. The ages of the boys at the home ranged from 8 to 14 years old. The boys were accommodated in dormitories, with two dormitories for older boys and one for younger boys.
A publication from 1968 stated that the purpose of the Home (referred to as “Salvation Army Home and Hostel for Boys”) was to “provide a Christian home for boys in need and to prepare them for adult life. The Hostel is a bridge for boys moving from the Home to community life”. It stated that the Home accommodated 63 boys from 9 to 17 years, and the hostel accommodated 20 boys up to 20 years old.
The Boys Home, Indooroopilly was an institution mentioned by a number of witnesses to the Commission of Inquiry into Abuse of Children in Queensland Institutions in 1998-1999.
Several submissions to the Senate Inquiry into Institutional Care which reported in 2004 related to the Boys Home Indooroopilly.
Boys’ Home, Indooroopilly was investigated by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse in Case Study 05: The Salvation Army boys’ homes, Australian Eastern Territory.
Alternative Names
Salvation Army Home and Hostel for Boys
1946? - 1968?
The Boys Home, Indooroopilly was situated at 724 Moggill Road, Indooroopilly (now called Chapel Hill), Queensland (Building Demolished)