Please contact General Enquiries, National Archives of Australia:
Postal Address: PO Box 4924, Kingston, ACT 2604
Phone: (02) 6212 3600
Quote this number to access your records: National Archives of Australia Series Number, A1996
These records are held by National Archives of Australia (1998 - current).
This series comprises 2 books of duplicate copies of Certificates of Naturalisation as Australian citizens for Children (special cases). Prior to 1949, people wishing to become naturalised in Australia were made British citizens. However, from 26 January 1949 (Australia Day), people who immigrated to Australia were able to apply for Australian citizenship. Children who arrived as British migrants after this date therefore had to apply to become Australian citizens.
Volume 2 in this series is open and accessible by the public. Access for volume 1 has not yet been determined. For access to these records please contact the National Archives of Australia.