• Organisation

Board of Visitors, Claremont Mental Hospital


A Board of Visitors for the Claremont Mental Hospital was introduced in 1920 for the independent oversight and ‘protection’ of patients.

[From the State Records Office of Western Australia]

Following an amendment to the Lunacy Act 1903 in 1920, a Board of Visitors system was introduced in Western Australia for the protection of patients in psychiatric hospitals.

A Board of Visitors was established for each mental institution in the State. Each Board consisted of two medical practitioners, one lawyer, one male and one female lay person. The Boards were empowered to enquire into the workings of the hospital, make recommendations and also had authority to discharge patients. The Boards operated independently of the Public Health Department as well as the hospital which the Board visited. The Boards provided an independent avenue to patients who were concerned about their rights or welfare.

The Board of Visitors system was replaced by the Council of Official Visitors following the introduction of the Mental Health Act 1996.

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