
Bethany Babies’ Home was originally the Geelong Female Refuge when it was established in 1868. From 1928, the Refuge became known as Bethany Babies’ Home. It accommodated pregnant women, babies and toddlers; it operated a maternity hospital and also adopted babies out. In 1977, it ceased to operating as a Home and adoption agency and became Bethany Community Support.

From 1977, all records relating to individuals, placements and adoptions at Bethany Babies’ Home were transferred to the Victorian government.

In 1928, the Geelong Refuge began to operate primarily as a babies’ home. It was at this point that it became known as Bethany Babies’ Home. As well as caring for babies and toddlers, Bethany operated as a maternity hospital and accommodated pregnant women. It also operated as a mothercraft training school. Bethany also became an adoption agency with the passing of the Adoption Act 1928.

In March 1928, a news article stated that “Some time ago the committee of the Geelong Female Refuge decided to enlarge the sphere of the activities of that institution by taking upon themselves the responsibility for caring for neglected and foundling babies. Considerable alterations to the buildings have been carried out, and additional staff has been engaged, and at present there are ten babies in the Home” (Geelong Advertiser, 31 March 1928).

Bethany expanded in the 1930s and was able to accommodate 40 babies. According to the Finding Records website, after World War II, Bethany became known as a babies’ hospital treating premature and frail babies awaiting return to their parents.

By the late 1950s, Bethany was providing residential care for unmarried mothers, and residential care for children up to the age of four – comprising wards of state, Infant Life Protection placements and private placements. Its capacity at this time was for 28 babies. The children usually remained at Bethany until four years of age (Finding Records).

Bethany Babies’ Home ceased to operate in 1977 and became Bethany Community Support, a child and family welfare agency. From that time, all records relating to individuals, placements and adoptions from Bethany Babies’ Home were transferred to the Victorian government.

Bethany Babies’ Home was mentioned in the Commonwealth Contribution to Former Forced Adoption Policies and Practices Inquiry (2012) as an institution that was involved in forced adoption.

  • From


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  • Alternative Names

    Bethany Home for Babies

    Geelong Female Refuge

    Bethany (Child and Family Support) Inc

    Bethany Family Support Inc

    Bethany Community Support Inc


  • 1928 - 1977

    Bethany Babies' Home was located on Ballarat Road, Geelong, Victoria (Building Demolished)



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