Bathurst Maternity and Rescue Home, also known as the Ebenezer Maternity and Rescue Home, was a Salvation Army maternity and rescue home located at Richmond Cottage in Piper Street, Bathurst. It opened in 1897. At the time of opening it had accommodation for eight people in two dormitories. In 1904, it moved to Durham Street. It closed in 1919.
The Home apparently served several functions: it provided accommodation and care for homeless girls and women; and it operated as a maternity home.
Alternative Names
Ebenezer Maternity and Rescue Home
1897 - 1904
Bathurst Maternity and Rescue Home was situated at Piper Street, Bathurst, New South Wales (Building State unknown)
1904 - 1919
Bathurst Maternity and Rescue Home was situated at 202 Durham Street, Bathurst, New South Wales (Building Still standing)