Please contact Research Enquiries, Tasmanian Archives:
Postal address: 91 Murray St, Hobart TAS 7000
Phone: (03) 6165 5538 or (03) 6165 5541
Quote this number to access your records: Tasmanian Archives Series Number, SWD26
These records are held by Tasmanian Archives (2011 - current).
Applications for Admission and associated Papers is a record series held by Tasmanian Archives. It includes applications for the admission of children to the Queen’s Orphan Asylum from 1859 to 1879.
These items have been digitised and are available online via the Tasmanian Archives website.
The details contained in these records include the name and age of the child and any siblings also being admitted to the Queen’s Orphan Asylum, parents names, address, religion, how the parents arrived in Tasmania, and whether they were free or bonded (convicts). Applications are also often accompanied by other details including reasons for the application, character references, correspondence regarding the application, and if the child was ultimately admitted to the asylum. Many of the books begin with an index of children’s names.