• Event

Apology to those harmed in Queensland institutions during their childhood


In 1999, the Queensland government and church authorities issued an Apology to those who were harmed or suffered abuse in church- and state-run institutions during their childhood.

The Apology was in response to the findings of the Forde Commission of Inqury into Abuse of Children in Queensland Institutions. It accepted the findings of the Forde Commission and apologised to “all those people who suffered in any way while resident in our facilities, and express deep sorrow and regret at the hurt and distress suffered by those who were victims of abuse”.

The Apology was co-signed by the Premier of Queesland, Minister for Families, Youth and Community Care and Minister for Disability Services, the Catholic Archbishop of Brisbane, the Anglican Archbishop of Brisbane, the Moderator of the Uniting Church in Australia (Qld Synod), the Territorial Commander, Australian Eastern Territory, the Salvation Army, the President of the Baptist Union of Queensland and the Conference President, Churches of Christ in Queensland.

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