Please contact Anglicare WA:
Postal Address: GPO Box C138, East Perth WA 6892
Phone: 1300 11 44 46
These records are held by Anglicare WA (2003 - current).
Anglicare WA, records is a collection of records and historical information that may be relevant to people who were placed in residential programs run by Anglicare including: Anglicare Emergency Foster Scheme; Anglicare Fostering Futures; Anglicare Homesharers; Anglicare Youth House; Armadale Youth Accommodation Service; Chesterfield House and Rockingham Youth External Accommodation Project; and Yes! Housing.
Anglicare Health and Welfare Services was established in 1974, and was replaced in 2003 by Anglicare WA. It has been involved in out of home ‘care’ for children and young people, through their residential and fostercare placement programs. There may be client registers, case files, referrals and fostercarer files available.
Access to these records is restricted to protect the privacy of individuals. For access to these records please contact Anglicare WA.