• Organisation

Albany Residential College


Albany Residential College is a hostel for students attending high school in Albany. It is likely that the hostel was opened around 1974. According to evidence given in the St Andrew’s Hostel inquiry, the Albany Residential College was known as Amity House during the last decades of the twentieth century.

Appropriate staffing at the Albany hostel in the 1970s was the subject of evidence in the St Andrew’s Hostel Inquiry in 2012.

According to evidence given in this inquiry, the Albany Residential College was known as Amity House during the last decades of the twentieth century. The manager of Amity House 1987-2001 was Nicholas Finnbar (Barry) Christy. From 1977 to around 1979, a brother and sister-in-law of convicted sex offenders Dennis and Neil McKenna, were employed as supervisors at the Amity Hostel in Albany. At that time, 26 children, including some young people on apprenticeships, boarded at the hostel.

It was not uncommon for children who were Wards of the State to be boarded in hostels run by the Country High School Hostels Authority.

  • From


  • To


  • Alternative Names

    Amity House


  • 1974 -

    Amity House was built on land in Thomas Street on Mt Clarence, adjacent to the Albany Senior High School, Western Australia (Building Still standing)

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