• Archival Series

Adoption Records, c. 1920s-80s, St Anthony's, Croydon

To access these records

Please contact Family Spirit Adoption Services:

Postal address: Suite 301, Level 3, 2-14 Meredith Street, Bankstown NSW, 2220

Phone: (02) 8709 9333

Email: adoptions@familyspirit.org

Website: https://www.familyspirit.org/

Records Location

These records are held by Family Spirit (2018 - current).


Adoption Records, c. 1920s-80s [St Anthony’s Croydon] are on cards and contain information about the birth mother, the baby and the adopting parents. The amount and type of information varies from case to case. The cards are housed in two filing cabinet drawers. They may include the following information: name, address, physical description, educational background and family details of the birth mother; the birth mother’s date of admission and discharge; the baby’s date of birth, length and weight; the date the baby was discharged to the adopting parents; and the names, address, physical description and family details of the adopting parents.

Access Conditions

For access to these records please contact Family Spirit. Access to information contained in these records is restricted in accordance with the provisions of the NSW Adoption Act 2000.

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