Please contact Family Spirit Adoption Services:
Postal address: Suite 301, Level 3, 2-14 Meredith Street, Bankstown NSW, 2220
Phone: (02) 8709 9333
These records are held by Family Spirit (2018 - current).
The Adoption Files held by Family Spirit date back to 1967. The files contain all information relating to the adoption of each child, from the birth to post adoption contacts. Biographical information about the birth parents is attached, along with counselling records and interview notes. Details of the adoptive parents are, along with their application to adopt, and assessment of their application, are held on file. In some cases, post adoption contact information, such as correspondence, is attached.
For access to these records please contact Family Spirit. Access to information contained on the adoption files is restricted according to the provisions of the NSW Adoption Act 2000 and Adoption Regulations 2003.