• Archival Series

Admission Registers, Townsville Orphanage and Townsville Receiving Depot

To access these records

Please contact Queensland State Archives:

Postal Address: PO Box 1397, Sunnybank Hills QLD 4109

Phone: (07) 3037 6777

Email: info@archives.qld.gov.au

Website: https://www.qld.gov.au/recreation/arts/heritage/archives/contacts

Reference Number

Quote this number to access your records: Queensland State Archives Series ID, 5152

Records Location

These records are held by Queensland State Archives.


These Admission Registers relate to the Townsville Orphanage and Townsville Receiving Depot. The registers contain information about children admitted to the Townsville Orphanage and Receiving Depot, including name, age, date of admission, birthplace, parent’s names and occupations, whether parents are living, reasons for child’s admission, and dates of placements and discharge.

Access Conditions

Some of these registers are open access, and others are restricted to protect personal privacy. Four of the five open access registers have been digitised, and can be accessed by clicking the ‘View Digitised Item’ button on the item page. To access the undigitised open access register, or to apply for access to the restricted register, please contact Queensland State Archives.


Queensland State Archives have created an online searchable index for this register, which can be accessed through the ‘Schools, hospitals and orphanages’ section on the following webpage https://www.qld.gov.au/recreation/arts/heritage/archives/starting/search-the-records/search-the-records.

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