• Archival Series

Aboriginal Boys' Training Home, Kinchela, Case Papers

To access these records

Please contact the Family Records Unit, Department of Aboriginal Affairs:

Postal Address: PO Box 207, Mascot NSW 1460

Phone: 1800 019 998

Email: familyhistory@aboriginalaffairs.nsw.gov.au

Website: https://www.aboriginalaffairs.nsw.gov.au/healing-and-reparations/family-records-service/

Reference Number

Quote this number to access your records: State Records Authority of New South Wales Series Number, 16993

Records Location


Aboriginal Boys’ Training Home, Kinchela, Case Papers is a series of files, relating children who resided at the Kinchela Training Home for Aboriginal Boys. The children ranged in age from approximately 7 to 17 years. The files vary in size and content and only relate to a small number of residents of Kinchela. This series is incomplete.

Access Conditions

Due to the sensitive nature of these records access is restricted. Persons wishing to view these records must first contact the Department of Aboriginal Affairs.


Microfiche copies of these records are available, with the reference number SR Microfilm Reels 1605 – 1607.

Many of these records contain correspondence from the Superintendent of Aborigines Welfare dealing with matters such as work placements, requests for holiday leave, the health of wards who had been ill and letters giving praise or criticism about school reports. Some files also contain letters from parents, relatives and former guardians.

Inaddition, many of the files contain: Medical Cards which list medical history and treatment; Aborigines Record Cards that provide details of family history; and Aboriginal Child Record Cards that list date and reason admitted to homes, level of education and training, health, conduct and character. Most of the files also hold Progress Reports that were compiled by the home manager at the end of each school term. The file numbers place these records among the Aborigines Welfare Board: Correspondence files, 1949-69 (See Correspondence, 1949-69). They were, however, in alphabetical order by surname when located.

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