
Houses at Yarrabah ca.1912

This photograph shows three small houses supposedly at Yarrabah Mission. The houses are constructed primarily out of wood and palm leaves or grass fibres.   This photograph was originally published in the Annual Report of the Chief Protector of Aboriginals for the year 1912.

Children at play Mapoon ca. 1910

This photograph shows approximately 40 Aboriginal people, mostly children, standing and playing in front of buildings (possibly dormitories) at Mapoon Mission Station. Several of the children are climbing on the frame of a swingset. The buildings appear to be built on or near the beach, and are all raised on stilts.   This photograph was…

Girls’ dormitory at Mapoon Presbyterian Mission, North Queensland, 1919

This photograph shows approximately 15 girls and young women standing on the front steps and verandah of the Girls’ dormitory at Mapoon Mission Station. The dormitory is a raised building made of rough-cut timber and corrugated metal sheeting, and is surrounded by palm trees. The description of this image provided by the State Library of…

Aboriginal children at Mapoon Mission, waiting for their meal, 1935

This is a photograph of children and adults at the Mapoon Mission in 1935. It shows approximately 50 children, two Aboriginal women, and five staff members lined up in front of the J.G. Ward Memorial church and other Mission buildings, while waiting for a meal. The children all have their arms folded, and appear to…

Erica (former)

This is a photograph of the former Xavier Home for Crippled Children in Coorparoo from the Brisbane City Council’s Local Heritage Places website. It shows some of the brick work and ramps that were added to the weatherboard property during its time as a hospital. No date is provided for the photograph, but it was…

Belltrees Homestead, Scone, New South Wales, c.1970

This photographs shows ‘Belltrees’, a large homestead located at Scone in rural New South Wales. It shows a large two-storey manor hours with ornate wrap-around verandahs on its second storey, with a large lawn in front of it and gardens on either side. Belltrees was the location of the Eleanor Mackinnon Memorial Junior Red Cross…

Children’s Convalescent Hospital, Collaroy

This image shows the construction of the hospital extension in 1924.

Leawarra Hostel, Winlaton

This is a photograph of the exterior of Leawarra Hostel, Winlaton.

29 Second Avenue, Klemzig

This is a copy of a photograph of the former site of the Klemzig Family Home (1973-1980), published on a real estate website when the property was on the market in 2013.

St Joseph’s Convent – Croydon

This is an photo of the building that housed St Joseph’s Home for Children at Liverpool Road, Croydon. The photo shows a large, grey-rendered stone building with a central turret directly above the entrance. A small copper plaque can be see on the front of the building which, as shown in another photograph published by…