This is a digitised copy of a photo and is part of the group of nine images titled ‘Buildings at Seaforth Boys’ Home, Gosnells [picutre].
This is a digitised copy of a photo and is part of the group of 35 images titled ‘Canework, woodwork and other goods made by the boys at Seaforth Boys’ Home, Gosnells [picture]’.
This is a digitised copy of a glass negative and is part of the group of five images titled ‘Salvation Army in Western Australia [picture]’ held at the State Library of Western Australia. The images shows a childrens band of the Salvation Army. It is not known whether these young musicians came from Salvation Army…
This is a digitised copy of a photoprint and is part of the Shapcott collection of photographs held at the State Library of Western Australia. The image shows the boys’ dormitory (on the left) and the Supervisor’s quarters, taken in 1920.
This is a digitised copy of a photo and is part of the collection of 30 images titled ‘Activities at Seaforth Boys’ Home, Gosnells [picture]’. The image shows boys on the sports field at Seaforth Salvation Army Boys’ Home, Gosnells.
This is a digitised copy of a photo and is part of the collection of 30 images titled ‘Activities at Seaforth Boys’ Home, Gosnells [picture]’. Although the title refers to the Seaforth Boys’ Homes, it is likely that this image may have been taken in the Seaforth Salvation Army Girls’ Home, which was on the…
This is a digitised copy of a photograph and is part of the TVW Enterprises Limited collection of E. L. Mitchell photographs held at the State Library of Western Australia. The image shows one of the cottages at Fairbridge Farm School.
This is a digitised copy of a photoprint and is part of the Shapcott collection of photographs held at the State Library of Western Australia. The image shows the boys’ dormitory (on the left) and the Supervisor’s quarters, taken in 1920.
This is a digitised copy of a photographic print and is part of the Government Photographer collection held at the State Library of Western Australia. The images shows girls cooking in front of a teacher at Fairbridge Farm, Pinjarra, in 1953
This is a digitised copy of a photographic print and is part of the Government Photographer collection held at the State Library of Western Australia. The image shows children and young people at the swimming pool at Fairbridge Farm, Pinjarra, in 1950