This is a digitised copy of a negative and is part of the Aboriginal people of Western Australia series held at the State Library of Western Australia. The images shows girls with a carer or teacher at the Moore River Native Settlement, in the 1930s.
This is a digitised copy of a photographic print and is part of the group of seven images titled ‘West Australian Institute and Industrial School for the Blind, Maylands [picture]’ held at the State Library of Western Australia. The image shows the front of the school’s building.
This is a digitised copy of a photographic print and is part of the Boans collection of photographs held at the State Library of Western Australia. The images shows children from the Perth Girls’ Orphanage receiving presents from the Boan’s department store Father Christmas, in 1930.
This is a digitised copy of a photographic print and is part of the Photographs of Miss P.K. Lefroy and people at or connected with Sister Kate’s Parkerville series held at the the State Library of Western Australia. The image shows Sister Kate Clutterbuck exchanging a document surrounded by children of various ages.This image was…
This is a digitised copy of a photoprint and is part of the Government Photographer collection held at the State Library of Western Australia. The images shows girls ironing on tables at the Beagle Bay Mission in 1953.
This is a digitised copy of a photoprint and is part of the group of eight images titled ‘Children on the Asturius arriving in Western Australia, October 1950 [picture]’ held at the State Library of Western Australia. The image shows a group of young girls standing on the steps outside the Methodist Children’s Home.
This is a digitised copy of a photoprint and is part of the group of eight images titled ‘Children on the Asturius arriving in Western Australia, October 1950 [picture]’ held at the State Library of Western Australia. The images shows a group of girls standing on the entrance steps to the Methodist Children’s Home.
This is a digitised copy of a negative and is part of the Collection of Photographs from the Royal Western Australian Historical Society held at the State Library of Western Australia. The image shows five girls from the St Joseph’s Native School and Orphanage, New Norcia.
This is a digital copy of a photographic print and is part of the group of four images titled ‘Beagle Bay Mission, July 1953 [picture]’ held at the State Library of Western Australia. The images shows goats grazing on the grounds of Beagle Bay Mission with the buildings of the mission in the background.
This is a digitised copy of a photoprint and is part of the Government Photographer collection held at the State Library of Western Australia. The image shows a girl operating a sewing machine at the Beagle Bay Mission in 1953.