
Department for Family and Children’s Services, logo

‘Department for Family and Children’s Services, logo’ is a digital copy of an image included on the front cover of the Annual Report 1996-97 and reports from other years.

Workshop activities at Riverbank

‘Workshop activities at Riverbank’ is a digital copy of an image included (p.41) the Annual Report 1986 of the Department for Community Services.

Riverbank, computers

‘Riverbank, computers’ is a digital copy of an image included (p.44) the Annual Report 1986 of the Department for Community Services. The caption reads, ‘Computers are proving to be a useful and popular teaching aid at Riverbank’.

Department for Community Services, logo

‘Department for Community Services, logo’ is a digital copy of an image included on the front cover of the Annual Report 1986 and reports from other years.

Departmental offices, Royal Street, East Perth

‘Departmental offices, Royal Street, East Perth’ is a digital copy of an image included (p.7) in the Annual Report 1987 of the Department for Community Services. The caption reads, ‘A model of the Department’s new Head Office in East Perth, which will be ready for occupation in July’.

McCall Centre, cricket

‘McCall Centre, cricket’ is a digital copy of an image included (p.27) in the Annual Report 1987 of the Department for Community Services. The caption reads, ‘The McCall Centre – helping to improve relationships between parents and children’.

Longmore Remand Centre courtyard

‘Longmore Remand Centre courtyard’ is a digital copy of an image included (p.39) in the Annual Report 1987 of the Department for Community Services.

Riverbank, woodwork

‘Riverbank, woodwork’ is a digital copy of an image included (p.41) in the Annual Report 1987 of the Department for Community Services. The caption reads, ‘Youths at Riverbank have a chance to learn woodwork skills’.

Laverton Hostel

‘Laverton Hostel’ is a digital copy of an image included (p.7) in the Annual Report 1994 of the Department for Community Development. The caption describes the Laverton Hostel as being ‘involved in an innovative project helping youths in the Central Desert rebuild their self-esteem’.


‘Bridgewater’ is a digital copy of an image included (p.32) in the Annual Report 1978 of the Department for Community Welfare. The caption reads, ‘One of the nine cottages at Bridgewater’.