
Moola Bulla Station, 1953

This is a photograph of Moola Bulla Station and its surrounding area. It is a landscape photo, showing station buildings in the distance on low ground between two hills. This photo was published in Bob Johnson’s memoir Itchy feet : the life and travels of ‘Happy Bob’.

Front of the completed single girls quarters on Moola Bulla Station

This is a photograph of the single girls living quarters at Moola Bulla Station. It shows a long semi-circular shaped tin hut situated behind a wire fence. A child (Robyn Johnson, the photographer’s daughter) stands in the foreground, looking at the hut. This photo was published in Bob Johnson’s memoir Itchy feet : the life and…

Arrival of Moola Bulla children at the Fitzroy Crossing Mission

This photograph shows a large group of Aboriginal children posing for a photograph in front of some buildings with two white adults. The children are newly arrived at Fitzroy Crossing Mission from Moola Bulla station. This photo was taken by teacher W. H. Rourke, and published in his memoir My Way. The caption published alongside…

Moola Bulla Station homestead, 1917

This is a photograph of the homestead at Moola Bulla Station, taken in 1917. It shows a single-storey tin-roofed cottage. Several people can be seen on the verandahs surrounding the house, and standing in front of it. This photograph is one of nine taken by John Joseph Holland at Moola Bulla Station in 1917 that…

41 Woodroyd street, Mt Lawley

This is a photograph of 41 Woodroyd Street, Mt Lawley, which was later used by the Presbyterian Church to run Collins House. It shows a large single-storey suburban brick and stone house with decorative gables and a low brick wall surrounding it. Three girls can be seen standing on the front steps of the house.

Peedamulla Station homestead

This is a photograph of Peedamulla Station homestead taken in 1958. It shows a tin-roofed single-storey house with two chimneys, with a smaller brick building and large water tank sitting beside it.

Wongutha Mission Training Farm near Esperance, dormitory block, January 1957

This is a photograph of a dormitory block at Wongutha Mission Training Farm. It shows a single-storey fibro and weather-board house situated on farmland, with a water tower and shed nearby. The photograph was taken by Robert McKeich in 1957.

Lee Steere House 1953

This is a photograph of Lee Steere House at Swan Homes, later known as Swanleigh. It shows a large two-storey brick building with ‘Lee Steere House’ written on the top of the front awning. In front of the house is a circular driveway lined with rose bushes.

Freeman House, Swanleigh orphanage, 1955

This is a photograph of the dining room of Freeman House at Swan Homes, later known as Swanleigh. It shows a portion of the room which is furnished with 4-seater tables, cabinets, and extra seating, and has a serving hatch on one wall. Freeman House was opened in 1955 to accommodate child migrants from the…

Freeman House, Swanleigh orphanage, 1955

This is a photograph of Freeman House at Swan Homes, later known as Swanleigh. It shows a large two-storey brick building. Freeman House was opened in 1955 to accommodate child migrants from the UK and Europe. This photo is one of three taken of Freeman House on 3 August 1955 available at the State Library…