‘Roelands Campsite, Busselton’ is a digital copy of an image held by Global Mission Partners in the Churches of Christ Federal Aborigines Mission Board Photographs collection. As described by historian Deslee Moyle, the image dates from 1983 and shows the campsite that was part of Roelands, on Caves Road between Busselton and Dunsborough. Camps were…
‘Roelands Village, view’ is a digital copy of an image held by Global Mission Partners in the Churches of Christ Federal Aborigines Mission Board Photographs collection. As described by historian Deslee Moyle, the image dates from 1978 and shows the blue dining room on the right and the church in the middle. At the back,…
‘Roelands Village, sign’ is a digital copy of an image held by Global Mission Partners in the Churches of Christ Federal Aborigines Mission Board Photographs collection. As described by historian Deslee Moyle, the image dates from 1978 and shows the sign into Roelands Village, with the Village itself in the background.
‘Mandurah holiday house for Norseman Mission children’ is a digital copy of an image held by Global Mission Partners in the Churches of Christ Federal Aborigines Mission Board Photographs collection. As described by historian Deslee Moyle, the image dates from 1968 and shows children from the Norseman Mission on the lawn of the holiday house…
‘Bethany kindergarten dormitory, Norseman Mission’ is a digital copy of an image held by Global Mission Partners in the Churches of Christ Federal Aborigines Mission Board Photographs collection. As described by historian Deslee Moyle, the image dates from the 1950s and shows the ‘kindergarten’ dormitory for little children, which was known as ‘Bethany’.
‘Teens Hostel’ is a digital copy of an image held by Global Mission Partners in the Churches of Christ Federal Aborigines Mission Board Photographs collection. As described by historian Deslee Moyle, the image dates from the late 1960s. The hostel was established in 1968 as part of the Carnarvon Mission. The image shows the hostel…
‘Mission School’ is a digital copy of an image from the Carnarvon Mission, held by Global Mission Partners in the Churches of Christ Federal Aborigines Mission Board Photographs collection. As described by historian Deslee Moyle, the image shows the original mission school, probably around 1948.
‘Carinya scatter cottage’ is a digital copy of an image held by Global Mission Partners in the Churches of Christ Federal Aborigines Mission Board Photographs collection. As described by historian Deslee Moyle, the image dates from 1980 or 1981 and shows one of the ‘scatter cottages’ in the Carnarvon township that were part of Ingada…
‘Fairhaven Hostel 1965’ is a digital copy of an image held by Global Mission Partners in the Churches of Christ Federal Aborigines Mission Board Photographs collection. As described by historian Deslee Moyle, the image dates from 1965 and shows Fairhaven Hostel as it was when it was first purchased by the Churches of Christ Federal…
‘Hakea juvenile facility 2013’ is an image included (p.102) in the Directed Review into an Incident at Banksia Hill Detention Centre on 20 January 2013 report by the Office of the Inspector of Custodial Services. A caption below the image reads, ‘Razor wire retrofitted to roof edges to prevent ascents’.