Hillview from Albany Highway shows the tree-lined driveway leading up to the former Hillview Child and Adolescent Clinic as it looked in 2013. The photograph was taken by Joanne McCann-Payne.
This is a digitised copy of a photograph and is part of the E.L. Mitchell collection of photographs held at the State Library of Western Australia. The images shows the front of the Girls’ Friendly Society Lodge around the time it had been extensively renovated and extended.
Hillview 2013 shows the front of the former Hillview Child and Adolescent Clinic as it looked in 2013. The photograph was taken by Joanne McCann-Payne.
This image is published on a Facebook community page called Roelands Mission – Western Australia. The page has many photographs from Roelands Native Mission Farm.
[Description from ABC news website:] Old Perth Girls Orphanage building on Adelaide Terrace, Perth. The building is now used as offices by the Department of Housing.
Oval and playground, Carnarvon Mission’ is a digital copy of an image held by Global Mission Partners in the Churches of Christ Federal Aborigines Mission Board Photographs collection. As described by historian Deslee Moyle, the image dates from the early 1980s
This digitised image is part of the Picture South Perth Photograph Collection. Matron Beryl Grant is pictured with some children at the front entrance of the Ngal-a Mothercraft Home and Training Centre Inc.
‘South Perth Community Hospital site, c.1950’ is an image from the Picture South Perth Photograph Collection held in the City of South Perth’s online collection of historical images. As the sign in the image says, it shows the site of the South Perth Community Centre Inc hospital on South Terrace.
This image is published on a Facebook community page called Roelands Mission – Western Australia. The page has many photographs from Roelands Native Mission Farm.
‘Alexandra Home for Mothers and Babies 1950s’ is a digital image published on the Ngala website, however it is no longer available there. The caption read, ‘The Alexandra Home for Women as it was in Highgate in the 1950s’.