
May Holt and children at Greenbushes following evacuation from the Queens Park Children’s Cottage Home, Western Australia, ca. 1942.

This is a photograph of young children sitting outside accompanied by a woman. The caption on the back of the photograph reads “May Holt & children Greenbushes Kindergarten.”

Wandering Mission

This is a copy of an image that accompanied a news article in January 2019 about the conviction of a former superintendent of Wandering Mission for sexual offences against a girl living in the Home.

Greenbushes Hostel, Western Australia, ca. 1942.

This is an image showing a number of children standing outside of Greenbushes Hostel. The State Library of Western Australia summary for this image reads “In February 1942 some children and staff from Sister Kate’s Queens Park Children’s Cottage Home were evacuated to the de-licensed Duke of York Hotel at Greenbushes.”

Salvation Army Children’s Homes, Collie, ca. 1910

This image shows buildings used as the Salvation Army Children’s Homes near Collie, Western Australia.

Aboriginal People Being Taught the Sign of the Cross [altered from original title]

This is a photograph taken at Drysdale River Mission showing seven Aboriginal people seated on the ground in front of one of the Benedictine Fathers of the Mission. All have their hands up to their foreheads and appear to be making the sign of the cross. In the background some of the Mission buildings are…

Geraldton Protestant Children’s Home

This photograph shows the building in which the Geraldton Protestant Children’s Home was situated.The image was originally published in The Sunday Times, Perth, Wetern Australia, on the 10th July 1921.

Ministering Children’s League Convalescent Home, Cottesloe

The two storey Meath Wing was added to the Ministering Children’s League Convalescent Home in 1909. The home stood on the corner of Warton Street and Swanbourne Terrace (now Marine Parade) and provided care for those recovering from a serious illness. It is now the site of the Wearne Hostel.

The Warminda hostel in East Victoria Park

This is a copy of an image published in a story on ABC News on 31 May 2018.

Gnowangerup Mission, the whole camp, Christmas, 1941

This image shows people posed for a photograph at Gnowangerup Mission. It is part of the Preston Walker collection of photographs. The title was provided by the donor.

New Roof [former site of Forrest Lodge]

This is a copy of an image published on the inHerit website of the Heritage Council of Western Australia. It shows the Community Education Centre, Geraldton, the former site of Forrest Lodge.