This image shows several buildings on the Roman Catholic Mission on Bathurst Island. The purpose of these buildings and whether or not they would have housed the children in care on the Mission is not known.
This image is of the Roper River Mission, established by the Church of England in 1908. The purpose of the buildings behind the children and whether or not they would have housed the children in care on the Mission is not known. The attached description notes the difference in clothing colour as an indication of…
This image shows the ‘coconut avenue’ and Mission House at Emerald River. It is not certain whether the building shown would have housed children in care on the Mission.
The description of this image suggests the building is most likely one of the dormitories housing girls at the Roman Catholic Mission at Garden Point. This photo is undated, the date included is an estimate.
This image is an aerial view of the mission at Port Keats.
This image shows housing at the Santa Teresa Mission in 1966, now Ltyentye Apurte. It is not certain whether or not these buildings would have housed the children in care on the Mission.
This image shows a mural on a building at the Daly River Mission. The exact purpose of the building and whether or not it housed children in care on the Mission is not known.
This is a photograph of young children sitting outside accompanied by a woman. The caption on the back of the photograph reads “May Holt & children Greenbushes Kindergarten.”
This is a copy of an image that accompanied a news article in January 2019 about the conviction of a former superintendent of Wandering Mission for sexual offences against a girl living in the Home.