The description reads: East Arm Leprosarium. View of buildings.
This description reads: East Arm. Living quarters at the Leprosarium.
This description reads: East Arm Leprosarium. Living quarters, East Arm. This image was taken two years after its closure.
The description reads: Leprosarium, Darwin, opened August, 1955.
This description states: Patients’ houses at the leprosarium.
The description reads: East Arm Leprosarium. View of buildings.
This image shows the Leprosarium at East Arm, the Catholic Church is on the right.
This image shows the damage to a female ward for on the Channel Island Leprosarium following a cyclone.
This image shows cyclone damage at the Channel Island Leprosarium. It particularly highlights the roof damange to hospital buildings.
This image shows roof and other damage to a male ward at the Channel Island Leprosarium following a cyclone.