
Goulburn Island

This image shows a view of Goulburn Island.

Service at the Goulburn Island Mission Station

This image is also available in the State Library of New South Wales Library. The description in from the State Library of NSW states: First service held at Goulburn Island, Arnhem Land, 1916. Image shows 4 missionaries giving a service to Indigenous Australians on Jesus walking on the sea.

Constructing jetty

The description states: Constructing jetty at Rose river Mission, Numbulwar.

Notice outside Bagot Aboriginal Reserve

The image is a picture of a sign from Bagot Aboriginal Reserve. The sign states: “Notice – Aboriginals ordinance 1918-1939, Bagot Aboriginal Reserve. Any unauthorised person who enters or remains on this reserve will be prosecuted. Director of Native Affairs.”

Aboriginal people on Bagot Reserve

Original caption: A gathering for a corroboree.


The description reads: Aerial view of the Oenpelli Mission.


The description reads: Sister Ellen Kettle (on steps), with Aboriginal community, at the dispensary, Yirrkala.

Yirrkala Mission

This image shows an aerial view of Yirrkala mission.


The description reads: Aerial view, Methodist Mission, Milingimbi. Houses are under trees on beach.