
Port Keats Mission

This is a photograph taken at Port Keats Mission in 1949. It shows a group of women and children lined up outside the mission buildings. A caption on the rear of the image reads “The Girls at Port Keats Mission”.

Kalumburu Mission

Mission residents outside cottage

This is an image of Mogumber (also known as Moore River Mission) showing several mission residents, including children, outside a cottage at the mission.

The girls’ dormitory of the Graham Home at Mt Margaret Mission

This is an image of the girls’ dormitory at Mt Margaret Mission. It shows several girls inside the dormitory; some sitting on beds holding dolls and others sitting on the floor playing with a tea set. The beds in the room are arranged in three rows and are placed close together. There are several pictures…

Girls with Marian Sandland and Elsie Bicker outside the girls’ dormitory of the Graham Home at Mt Margaret Mission.

This is a photograph taken at the Mt Margaret Mission in 1931. It shows girls lined up outside of the girls’ dormitory, with two women (possibly staff members) standing behind them.

Boys working at the milking shed at the Townsville orphanage, October 1911

This is an image of the milking sheds at the Townsville orphanage. It shows at least 6 boys at the shed, some of whom are milking cows.