
Former Female Refuge Complex [editor’s note: former site of the Alexandra Babies’ Home, Scott Parade, Ballarat East]

This single storey building at 187 Scott Parade was constructed in 1909 for the Alexandra Babies’ Home (later known as the Alexandra Toddlers’ Home). Previously, babies and their mothers were accommodated at the two-storey building at 183 Scott Parade (the former Ballarat Female Refuge). It would seem that babies and toddlers were accommodated in both…

Spring Street – west side, north of nos. 247-255

This image shows the Church of England Mission House.

Church of England Mission House, Spring Street

Spring Street – west side, near corner with Little Lonsdale Street, showing Church of England Mission House

Little Lonsdale Street – north side, no. 30, Meyer Manufacturing Co.

This building was once the first Mission House of the Sisters of the Community of the Holy Name.

St Vincent’s Boys’ Home, South Melbourne, Donation Box

This is an image of the St Vincent’s Boys’ Home “Build A Boy” donation box.

Berry Street Foundling Home, East Melbourne, Donation Box

This is a photograph of the Berry Street Foundling Home donation box, with “Please, Help the Babies” written on the lid.

Foundling Hospital and Infants’ Home, Foundation Stone

This is an image of the Foundation Stone of the Foundling Hospital and Infants Home. The inscription reads: Foundling Hospital and Infants Home. This stone was laid by Lady Talbot, wife of the Governor of Victoria, to commemorate the opening of the Foundling Wing, 14th September 1905.

Hurlingham, Brighton