Line of little boys and girls, holding hands, man in centre holding a child’s hand on either side, Brighton Orphanage building in background [from SLV catalogue].
This is a framed copy of a newspaper ad placed by CLAN’s co-founder Joanna Penglase seeking participants for her research into children’s homes.
Group of little girls in pyjamas, seated on and around a bed, looking at books, one playing a flute, one looking at the camera [from SLV catalogue]
Group of girls in dining room, standing next to tables, eyes closed and hands clasped [from SLV catalogue].
Postcard of Methodist Babies’ Home, South Yarra.
St Aidans Orphanage. There is a car parked by the gate.
Orphans being trained as tailors at St Augustine’s Orphanage.
Caption: opening of Miss Sutherland’s new home for neglected children at Royal Park.