
Fun on the swings [editor’s note: Methodist Homes for Children]

This is an image of Methodist Homes for Children published in the pamphlet, Furnishings of love (1938). The caption reads: ‘Fun on the swings’.

Children at tea [editor’s note: Methodist Homes for Children]

This is an image of Methodist Homes for Children published in the pamphlet, Furnishings of love (1938). The caption reads: ‘Children at Tea. State School in the Background.’

The gates of the Home [editor’s note: site of the Methodist Homes for Children]

This is an image of Methodist Homes for Children, published in the pamphlet, Furnishings of love (1938). The caption reads: ‘The Gates of the Home. The gift of Mrs H.R. Rush and Mrs A.E. Pizzey.’

Methodist Homes for Children, Cheltenham

This is an image of Methodist Homes for Children, published in the pamphlet, Furnishings of love (1938)

First home, Carlton

This is an image of Livingstone House, published in the pamphlet, Furnishings of love (1938).

Wattle Day for Children’s Charities

This is a copy of an illustrated article published in The Argus on Saturday 2 August 1924. The image shows the Anglican Archbishop of Melbourne and a baby in a cot. The original caption reads: ‘…the Anglican Archbishop of Melbourne (Dr. Lees) is shown making friends with one of the babies at the open-air creche…

Wattle Day in the City

This is a copy of an illustrated article published in The Argus on Saturday 26 August 1933, p.21. The image shows a baby and adults collecting money for Wattle Day. The original caption reads: Child, from the Presbyterian Home, accepts a contribution on behalf of the babies [altered from original caption].

Wattle Day

This is a copy of an illustrated article published in The Argus on Saturday 24 August 1935, p.30. The image shows babies and adults on Wattle Day. The original caption reads: ‘Babies from the Church of England Home made a compelling appeal for Wattle Day contributions outside the Elizabeth street post-office yesterday.’

Wattle Day

This is a copy of an illustrated article published in The Argus on Friday 19 August 1938, p.3. The image shows the a staff member with fundraising buttons. The original caption reads: ‘ Wattle Day will be celebrated today. A staff was busy yesterday checking some of the 70,000 buttons which will be on sale…

Wattle Day Twins

This is a copy of an illustrated article published in The Argus on Saturday 31 August 1929, p.17. The image shows babies from the Arms of Jesus Babies’ Home. The original caption reads: Twins, from the Arms of Jesus Baby Home, East Melbourne, attracted attention in their cot outside the Elizabeth street postal hall during…